Thursday, October 28, 2010

Command Prompt Automation

Automate CMD options with below code using WScript.Shell object.

1. Execute Commands in CMD with QTP code

with below code execute command in CMD with single step using below code:-
Set app=CreateObject("")"cmd.exe")
app.Run "CMD /k cd\ & c:\CreateCamp_Sample.xls"

with below code execute CMD commands step by step:-

Set app=CreateObject("")"cmd.exe")
app.sendkeys "cd\"
app.sendkeys "~" 'It is for enter key
app.sendkeys "c:"
app.sendkeys "~"
app.sendkeys "CreateCamp_Sample.xls"
app.sendkeys "~"

2. Get displayed text from Command prompt'

with below code ping in command propmt and capture the output :-

'Create WScript Shell object

Set oWshShell = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
'' We'll execute the ping command
sCmd = "ping"
'' Execute the command
Set oExec = oWshShell.Exec(sCmd)
'' Loop untill the command has completed.

Do While oExec.Status = 0
wait 1

'' Show the console output
sStdout = oExec.StdOut.ReadAll
sStdErr = oExec.StdErr.ReadAll
MsgBox "stdout: " & sStdout & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "stderr: " & sStderr

3.script to get the information of the mapped network drives

Option Explicit
Dim oNet, oDrives
Dim i
''--- Adding to new entries to datatable
DataTable.LocalSheet.AddParameter "Drive", vbNullString
DataTable.LocalSheet.AddParameter "Value", vbNullString
''--- Creating a WshNetwork object
Set oNet = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Set oDrives = oNet.EnumNetworkDrives
For i = 0 to oDrives.Count - 1 Step 2
DataTable.LocalSheet.SetCurrentRow i + 1
DataTable("Drive", dtLocalSheet) = oDrives.Item(i)
DataTable("Value", dtLocalSheet) = oDrives.Item(i + 1)
Set oDrives = Nothing
Set oNet = Nothing

4. script to Copy the Files from local machine to Remote system

Copy and past the files from local machine to Remote machine with below function. This works for Copy and past files from Quality centre / QC to Remote machine.


Function fnCopyFilesFromNetworkDrive
Dim ServerShare, UserName, Password, strQcPathTestdataDirectory
Dim NetworkObject, FSO, strDirectory, objFile
'ServerShare = "\\"
If trim(Datatable.Value("RemoteSystemAddress","Global") )= ""Then
Print "RemoteSystemAddress Column does not have value, so exit from run"
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning," datatable column value is empty"," datatable column value is empty, so exited from execution"
exitAction "FAIL"
End If
ServerShare ="\\"& Datatable.Value("RemoteSystemAddress","Global") ' "\\"
If Trim(Datatable.value("RemoteSysLoginUName","Global"))="" Then
UserName = "Domain\Username"
End If
If Trim(Datatable.Value("RemoteSysLoginPassword","Global"))="" Then
Password = "password"
End If
Set NetworkObject = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Reporter.ReportEvent micDone,"Network system Address " & ServerShare,ServerShare &" network system accessed with " & UserName & " as Username and " & Password &" as password"
NetworkObject.MapNetworkDrive "", ServerShare, False, UserName, Password
Set strDirectory = FSO.GetFolder(ServerShare & "\c$\Folderpath\")

strQcPathTestdataDirectory="[QualityCenter] Subject\TestData\"
strQCTestData =strQcPathTestdataDirectory & Trim( Datatable.Value("QC_TestDataFileName","Global"))
strPath = PathFinder.Locate(strQCTestData)
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
objFSO.copyFile strPath, strDirectory + "\" & Trim( Datatable.Value("QC_TestDataFileName","Global")) '
NetworkObject.RemoveNetworkDrive ServerShare, True, False
Set NetworkObject = Nothing
End Function

5. Get the List of Printers
Option Explicit
Dim oNet, oPrinters
Dim i
''--- Adding to new entries to datatable
DataTable.LocalSheet.AddParameter "Port", vbNullString
DataTable.LocalSheet.AddParameter "Value", vbNullString
''--- Creating a WshNetwork object
Set oNet = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Set oPrinters = oNet.EnumPrinterConnections
For i = 0 to oPrinters.Count - 1 Step 2
DataTable.LocalSheet.SetCurrentRow i + 1
DataTable("Port", dtLocalSheet) = oPrinters.Item(i)
DataTable("Value", dtLocalSheet) = oPrinters.Item(i + 1)

6. Create registry key , modify and delete same
''Script to add,delete and modify registry
Dim sDefault, sBinary, sString, sDWord, sExpand
''--- Creating a shell object
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
''--- Creating registry values
oShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\QTP\", "Default Key", "REG_SZ"
oShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\QTP\Binary", 180150008, "REG_BINARY"
oShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\QTP\String", "String", "REG_SZ"
oShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\QTP\DWord", &HABCDEF8, "REG_DWORD"
oShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\QTP\ExpandedString", "%SystemRoot%", "REG_EXPAND_SZ"
''--- Reading registry values
sDefault = oShell.RegRead("HKCU\Software\QTP\")
sBinary = oShell.RegRead("HKCU\Software\QTP\Binary")
sString = oShell.RegRead("HKCU\Software\QTP\String")
sDWord = oShell.RegRead("HKCU\Software\QTP\DWord")
sExpand = oShell.RegRead("HKCU\Software\QTP\ExpandedString")
''--- Deleting a key value
oShell.RegDelete "HKCU\Software\QTP\String"
''--- Deleting a whole key
oShell.RegDelete "HKCU\Software\QTP\String"

7. script for logging events to event log

The LogEvent method returns a Boolean value (true if the event is logged
successfully, otherwise false). In Windows NT/2000, events are logged in
the Windows NT Event Log.

In Windows 9x/Me, events are logged in WSH.log (located in the Windows
directory). There are six event types.

Option Explicit
''--- Declaring Event types constants
Private Const LOG_SUCCESS = 0
Private Const LOG_ERROR = 1
Private Const LOG_WARNING = 2
Private Const LOG_INFORMATION = 4
Private Const LOG_AUDIT_SUCCESS = 8
Private Const LOG_AUDIT_FAILURE = 16
Dim oShell
''--- Creating a shell object
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
oShell.LogEvent LOG_SUCCESS, "Logon Script Success."
oShell.LogEvent LOG_ERROR, "Logon Script Error."
oShell.LogEvent LOG_WARNING, "Logon Script Warning."
oShell.LogEvent LOG_INFORMATION, "Logon Script Information."
oShell.LogEvent LOG_AUDIT_SUCCESS, "Logon Script Audit Success."
oShell.LogEvent LOG_AUDIT_FAILURE, "Logon Script Audit Failure."
''--- Cleaning used objects
Set oShell = Nothing

8. script to create shortcut for QTP
Option Explicit
Dim oShell, oShLink
Dim sPath, sDesktop
Dim oFso
Set oFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
''--- Creating a WshShell object
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
''--- Retrive the user desktop location
sDeskTop = oShell.SpecialFolders.Item("Desktop")
sPath = oFso.BuildPath(sDesktop, "Shortcut to QuickTest.lnk")
''--- Create a WshShortcut object
Set oShLink = oShell.CreateShortcut(sPath)
sPath = oFso.BuildPath(Environment("ProductDir"), "bin\QTPro.exe")
oShLink.TargetPath = sPath
oShLink.WindowStyle = 1
oShLink.Hotkey = "CTRL+SHIFT+Q"
sPath = oFso.BuildPath(Environment("ProductDir"), "bin\QTPro.exe")
oShLink.IconLocation = sPath & ", 0"
oShLink.Description = "Activates QuickTest Professional Testing Tool"
oShLink.WorkingDirectory= oFso.BuildPath(Environment("ProductDir"), "bin\")
Set oShell = Nothing
Set oFso = Nothing
Set oShLink = Nothing

9. scirpt to retreive windows environmnet variables

Option Explicit
Dim oShell, oEnvProc, oEnvSys, oItem
Dim arrEnv
Dim nRow : nRow = 1
''--- Creating 2 new columns in local sheet
DataTable.LocalSheet.AddParameter "Type", vbNullString
DataTable.LocalSheet.AddParameter "Variable", vbNullString
DataTable.LocalSheet.AddParameter "Value", vbNullString
''--- Creating a WshShell object
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
''--- Retrieve the System environments collection
Set oEnvSys = oShell.Environment("System")
''--- Retrieve the Process/User environments collection
Set oEnvProc = oShell.Environment("Process")
Reporter.ReportEvent micDone, "Sys Count", oEnvSys.Count
Reporter.ReportEvent micDone, "Proc Count", oEnvProc.Count
''--- Retrieve System env. variables
For Each oItem In oEnvSys
DataTable.LocalSheet.SetCurrentRow nRow
nRow = nRow + 1
arrEnv = Split(oItem, "=")
DataTable("Type", dtLocalSheet) = "System"
DataTable("Variable", dtLocalSheet) = arrEnv(0)
DataTable("Value", dtLocalSheet) = arrEnv(1)
Erase arrEnv
'--- Retrieve System env. variables
For Each oItem In oEnvProc
DataTable.LocalSheet.SetCurrentRow nRow
nRow = nRow + 1
arrEnv = Split(oItem, "=")
DataTable("Type", dtLocalSheet) = "Process"
DataTable("Variable", dtLocalSheet) = arrEnv(0)
DataTable("Value", dtLocalSheet) = arrEnv(1)
Erase arrEnv
Set oShell = Nothing
Set oEnvProc = Nothing
Set oEnvSys = Nothing

10. Script to start the windows service in remote system or VM Using WMI

'Call the Function for start the Service in Remote system or VM with QTP Script

StartService "Computer Name","Service Name",True/False

Function StartService(Computer, ServiceName, blnWait)
strUser = "remote computer user name" ' Domain name\ username
strPassword ="give the password here"
Set objLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
If Not(IsNull(objLocator)) Then
Set cimv2 = objLocator.ConnectServer(Computer, "root/cimv2", strUser, strPassword)
Print "Computer Name: " & Computer
If Not(IsNull(cimv2)) Then
Set oServices = cimv2.InstancesOf("Win32_Service")
If (Not(IsNull(oServices))) Then
For each oService in oServices
If StrComp(oService.Name, ServiceName) = 0 Then
Print "Service Found"
Exit For
End If
Print "Service Name: " & oService.Name
End If
End If
End If

'Check base properties
If oService.Started Then
' the service is Not started
Print "The service " & ServiceName & " is started."
exit Sub
End If

'Start the service
Result = oService.StartService
If 0 <> Result Then
Print "Start " & ServiceName & " error:" & Result
exit Sub
End If

Do While InStr(1,oService.State,"running",1) = 0 And blnWait
'get the current service state
Set oService = cimv2.Get("Win32_Service.Name='" & ServiceName & "'")
Print "StartService" &" - - ServiceName - - "& ServiceName &" - - oService.Started - -"& oService.Started &" - - oService.State - - "& oService.State &"-- oService.Status - - "& oService.Status
Wait (2)
End Function

11. Script to Stop the windows service in remote system or VM Using WMI

' Call the function for stop the service in remote system or VM with QTP

StopService "Compute name","Service Name" True / False

Function StopService(Computer, ServiceName, blnWait)
Dim cimv2, oService, Result, strUser, strPassword
strUser = "DomainName\Administrator"
strPassword = "password" 'give the password here
Set objLocator = CreateObject( "WbemScripting.SWbemLocator" )
If Not(IsNull(objLocator)) Then
Set cimv2 = objLocator.ConnectServer(Computer, "root/cimv2", strUser, strPassword )
Print "Computer Name: " & Computer
If Not(IsNull(cimv2)) Then
Set oServices = cimv2.InstancesOf("Win32_Service")
If (Not(IsNull(oServices))) Then
For each oService in oServices
If StrComp(oService.Name, ServiceName) = 0 Then
Print "Service Found"
Exit For
End If
Print "Service Name: " & oService.Name
End If
End If
End If

'Check base properties
If Not oService.Started Then
' the service is Not started
Print "The service " & ServiceName & " is Not started"
exit Sub
End If


If Not oService.AcceptStop Then
' the service does Not accept stop command
Print "The service " & ServiceName & " does Not accept stop command"
exit Sub
End If

'Stop the service
Result = oService.StopService
If 0 <> Result Then
If Result = 3 Then
'Need to stop the dependent services
Set oDepServices = cimv2.ExecQuery( "Associators of {Win32_Service.Name='" & oService.Name & "'} Where AssocClass=Win32_DependentService Role=Antecedent")
If (Not(IsNull(oDepServices))) Then
For Each objService in oDepServices
Print "Dependent service: " & objService.Name & " State: " & objService.State
Print "Stopping dependent service " & objService.Name
End If
End If
Wait (2)
Print "Stopping" & oService.Name & "service"
Result = oService.StopService()
If 0 <> Result Then
Print "Stop " & ServiceName & " error: " & Result
exit Sub
End If
End If

Do While oService.Started And blnWait
'get the current service state
Set oService = cimv2.Get("Win32_Service.Name='" & ServiceName & "'")
Print "StopService" &"ServiceName - - "& ServiceName &"oService.Started - - "& oService.Started &" oService.State - - "& oService.State &" oService.Status - - "& oService.Status
' Print now, "StopService", ServiceName, oService.Started, oService.State, oService.Status
Wait (2)
End function


Friday, October 15, 2010

Get the Node Name and Node value from XML file

Use below code and get each node name and value of XML file.

Read all the nodes and their values in the xml file:-

Set xmlobj=createobject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
xmlobj.load "C:\ FileName.xml"

set ndRoot=xmlobj.documentElement
'msgbox ndRoot.nodeName
Set ndChilds=ndRoot.childNodes
For i=2 to ndChilds.length-1
set ndChild=ndChilds.item(i) 'general
Call fnChildNodes(ndChild)

'Function that reads the node name and node value of a node including all its child nodes.
Function fnChildNodes(ndChild)

If ndChild.childNodes.length>0 then
set ndGrdChilds=ndChild.childNodes
If ndGrdChilds.item(0).nodeName="#text" Then
End If
set ndGrdChilds=ndChild.childNodes
If ndGrdChilds.item(0).nodeName<>"#text" Then
For j=0 to ndGrdChilds.length-1
set ndGrdChild=ndGrdChilds.item(j)
Call fnChildNodes(ndGrdChild)
End IF
End If
End Function

Find the XML Node path based on node name

We can find Xpath for given node in XML file using with below two functions.
First function:--
Call ExtractProductCode

Function ExtractProductCode
Set doc = XMLUtil.CreateXML()
doc.LoadFile "C:\FileName.xml"
Set root = doc.GetRootElement
Environment.Value("ParentName") = root.ElementName()
'Set children = root.ChildElements()
'Msgbox children.Count()
call XMLDataExtract1(root.ChildElements(), root.ChildElements().Count())
End Function

Function XMLDataExtract1(children, cnt)
c1= children.Count()

If cnt > 0 Then
For i= 1 to cnt 'children.Count()
Set firstChild = children.Item(i)
c2 = firstChild.ElementName()
c3 = firstChild.Value()
If Trim(CStr(c2)) = Trim(DataTable.Value("NodeName","Global")) Then '
XMLPath= ""
While firstChild.ElementName() <>"soapenv:Envelope"
XMLPath= "/" & CStr(firstChild.ElementName()) & XMLPath
Set firstChild= firstChild.Parent()
XMLPath = "/" & Environment.Value("ParentName") & XMLPath
DataTable.Value(cInt(Environment.Value("columnExcel")),"Global") = XMLPath
Environment.Value("columnExcel")= cInt(Environment.Value("columnExcel"))+1
Exit Function
End If
If firstChild.ChildElements().Count() > 0 Then
Set children = firstChild.ChildElements()
call XMLDataExtract1(children,children.Count())
End if
End If
Reporter.Filter = 3
'MsgBox firstChild.Parent().Parent().ElementName()
On Error Resume Next
Set children = firstChild.Parent().Parent().ChildElements()
On Error Goto 0
Reporter.Filter = 0
End Function